Monday, February 25, 2013

Paper rolls and paper coils, recycling old paper

This is a great idea and it's a wonderful way to reccycle and reuse old paper.
All the pictures are from
This is a cheap and easy project that can be done by everyone from 8 to 80. It can be done in family and saved for later use.

This is a great project for several reasons:
  • Recycling;
  • Uses the bright colors, or just letters, from magazines and old newspapers;
  • It's cheap;
  • The final result is great;
  • it's a family project.
What we need:
  • old magazines,
  • white glue.
How to:

  1. Cut the magazine paper in strips (with about 5 to 7 cm width), try to make them all the same size;;
  2. Begin to roll the paper diagonally at one end, begin as "tight as possible" that way the roll will be skinny and long.;
  3. When they are almost done apply the glue on paper and finish the roll.
  4. Repeat the procedure for all paper strips.
A stack of paper rolls.

To do what?

You can use this paper rolls to do a lot of things, to make some photo frames for example.
But if you feel with courage you can roll the paper rolls.

It's very easy. Use a round stick and rolls the paper roll around it. You can use a broomstick, a chinese stick or  a crochet needle.... 

The only thing you must control is that every time you go around with it the paper must overlap the previous turn. As a final result you will have a paper coil with a hole in the center. Apply a small amount of glue at the tip end.

If you have a lot of coils you can do something like those in the pictures, or use you imagination and do something completely different.

Et voilá!
Recycle and have fun!


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